Terms and conditions
The present Terms&Conditions regulate the general conditions of access and use of the accessible Web site in direction URL https://transperfectmountainchallenge.com (the Web site), which TransPerfect Translations SL, with address in Paseo de Gràcia, 11 – ESC B, 5º 1ª, 08007, Barcelona, is proprietor, and who makes available of the users of Internet. The use of the Web site implies the total acceptance and without reserves of all and each one of the dispositions including in this Legal Warning. Consequently, the user of the Web site must kindly read the present Legal Warning in each one of the occasions in which he sets out to use Web, since the text could undergo modifications to criterion of the holder of the Web, or because of the legislative, jurisprudencial or actually enterprise change.
The present general conditions are applied to all the donations made in this Web site. These payments are received directly by an account managed from the ASSOCIACIÓ DE FAMILIARS I AMICS OF NENS ONCOLÒGICS DE CATALUNYA (AFANOC). TransPerfect Translations SL will not have access to the registry of the account managed by AFANOC.
- Identification of the beneficiary: AFANOC is a non-profit association, registered in the Registry of Associations of the Generalitat, with number 9,846, provided with CIF G-58677493, domiciled in c d’Hipàtia d’Alexandria 5-7, 08035 Barcelona, with email afanoc@afanoc.org and telephone 93 237 79 79 and declared of Public Utility according to Order UP/79.630/SD of 19 of May of 2000, published by the Department of the Interior.
- Activity: AFANOC develops projects and actions with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the state (medical, psychological and welfare) of the children diagnosed with cancer and their parents. It works so that the affective and educative development of these children and their families is adapted to their particular circumstances and in general better taking actions for the quality of life of the affected families.
- Mode of payment: the donor can freely choose to pay the donations that make by means of card (MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron,…) through the Redsys platform. In case the donor wants to receive a certificate of donation with legal effects before the Tributary Agency, mountainchallenge@transperfect.com will have to put in contact with the administrator of the Web site through electronic mail. The donations are accepted with character of irrevocable donativo, reason why its cancellation or return is not possible.
- Security and confidentiality: AFANOC and Transperfect Translations SL guarantee the security and confidentiality in all their communications with their donors. All the operations of payment online are made through safe system Redsys, provided by the banking organization of BBVA. It is a system that implements the last technologies as far as the security protocols, like SSL and 3D Secure payments, that as opposed to protects the data attempts of violation by third. Thanks to this system, never will store nor accede the numbers of debit and/or credit cards used in the Web site.
AFANOC and Transperfect Translations SL guarantee the protection and confidentiality of the personal, domiciliary data, of payment and any other data that provide our donors in agreement with the arranged thing in Statutory law 15/1999, of 13 of December of Protection of Personal Character data.
All the data facilitated by our donors to AFANOC will be including in an automated file of created and maintained personal character data under the responsibility of Transperfect Translations SL, with the purpose that settles down in each form of collection of data.
All the data facilitated by our donors to AFANOC will be including in an automated file of created and maintained personal character data under the responsibility of Transperfect Translations SL, with the purpose that settles down in each form of collection of data.
In fulfillment of the had thing in Statutory law 15/1999 of the 13 December, donors the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can, at any moment, exercise on their personal data communicating it through electronic mail mountainchallenge@transperfect.com.